Monday, 14 December 2020

SLJ Week 1 Activity 2


For our second SLJ activity is to Leave a quality blog comment on another  student’s blog helps us make connections to new learning by asking open ended questions that encourage a reply and motivate the blogger to ask their own question in return. This is how a comment thread starts and when that happens we make connections with a wider audience who we can learn with and from.Something i found interesting about doing a quality comment onto another students blog post was seeing Lesley Art Colouring Book activity and how she used different colours to original picture .

SLJ Week 1 Activity 1

 LI: To collect materials needed to successfully complete  our weekly superpower building missions with Nano Girl .

This morning LS2 worked in groups with the Year 4 students to help us create our first Summer Learning Journey blog posts. PBS are still at school this week so finding the materials we needed for our treasure hunt was easy. Our challenge is going to be to find them at home now. I found this activity creative and interesting because of the equipment we gathered together and thinking about what we would make out of our equipment . What do you think the experiment will look like at the end ?