I am still blogging …
but I’ve moved.
to visit my new blog
and see the next stage of my learning journey.
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I am a Year 5 student at Panmure Bridge School, Auckland, New Zealand. My teachers are Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie.
I am still blogging …
but I’ve moved.
to visit my new blog
and see the next stage of my learning journey.
Comments are closed here. Please comment on my new blog.
I completed an activity where I had to identify improper fractions.
First, I typed down the fractions in words. For an example: Five quarters
Next, I typed down the fractions in numbers. For an example: 5/4
Afterwards, I took a screenshot of a pizza in equal pieces and put it on my Google Documents.
Lastly, I typed down a little explanation. For an example: All pizzas were cut into 4 pieces each (Quarters). Three pieces have gone. There are 5 quarters left.
I enjoyed this activity because I didn't understand how to do fractions and I started to understand how to do fractions.
I completed a story arch about a book called the Little Red Riding Hood.
First, I typed down the Orientation which means the action of someone or something relative to the points.
Next, I typed down the Inciting Incident which means the event that sets the main character or characters on the journey.
Then, I typed down the Rising Action-Problems which means there is a problem in the story.
After, I typed down the Climax which means the main part of the story.
Then, I typed down the Success Failure which means something good is gonna happen or something bad is gonna happen.
Lastly, I typed down the Resolution which means it's fixing the problem back to normal in the story.
I enjoyed this activity because I explained the different parts of the Little red Riding Hood.
I completed a questions task.
First, I typed down my first question. For example: Kei hea te rakau?
Next, I typed down my answer. For an example: Kei mua i te pukapuka.
Last, I took a picture of the materials and pasted onto a google slide.
This task was easy because I had lots of materials and I could use them to make questions.
I completed another an activity called Dancing Mat Typing. This activity is to practice typing without looking at the pātuhi.
First, I had to set up a Tekau ma rima timer.
Next, I had to wahi my fingers on the whakatika keys.
Lastly, I need to take a kapomata of which level am I, put it on the google slide and type down what do I need to improve on.
This activty was hard because I kept pressing the wrong keys and looking at my pātuhi.