Wednesday, 26 May 2021


Today we learnt how to balance with using the equipement. 

First, we used a rugby ball by taking out one leg and pass the ball sidways  and trying not to fall or hopping around. This is was hard because my legs were tired and wriggling.

Next, we used a hockey by taking out one leg and the person who has the ball he needed to roll it softly and hit the ball softly. This is a easy because I already know how to hit the ball with the hockey stick.

Then, we used a frisbee by taking out one leg and throw the frisbee like the same way as the rugby ball and we need to throw it softly and try not throw it far away. This is hard because I can´t throw the frisbee properly.

After, we used a basketball by taking out one leg and we needed to dribble first then throw it to our partner. This is hard because I cannot bounce the ball on the ground properly. 

Last, we used a netball by taking out one leg and throw the ball from our chest. This is easy because we just need to throw the ball normaly.

I enjoyed this activity because balancing helps me trying not to wriggling and hop around.

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