Thursday 6 May 2021

Writing l Explanation

I wrote an explanation planner about why we come to school.

First, I typed down an introduction. Schools help children to be confident and curious about the world. It helps your childhood to make better when they go to school and it helps.

Next, I typed down the main points. Learning requires you to get important skills to become smart, strong, and confident. This is knowledge acquired through study, and experience. Relationship requires the way in which two, more people, marriage, and friends, connect together. This can be like best friends playing together everyday. Being looked after requires that you take care of someone or something. That for some reason you can't live with your own family and are being looked after by us. 

After, I typed down my summary. School requires humans to think skills and discover new ways of relating to people from different cultures.

I learnt the structure of an explanation is TIMES.

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