Tuesday 1 June 2021

Reciprocal Reading

We did reciprocal reading with two PDFs about Where we lived, and What we lost.
First, the leader needed to choose the five roles of the reciprocal reading. The sroles are: Leader, Predictor, Clarifier, Questioner, and Summariser. We read the text What we lost,and found it was about the soldiers suffering from injury from being scared of bullets.
Next, we read the text Where we lived. This text was about Lady Liverpool inspiring women and children throughout NZ to sew shirts and pyjamas; to knit socks, balaclavas, mittens, and cholera belts, and to donate holdalls and sewing kits. 
The most helful role was the clarifier because it helped us understand the meaning and unpack a lot of information.
Next Tme, I should find some intresting facts.

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