Wednesday, 30 June 2021


I typed down three introductions about Plants.

My first introduction sentence was Basic Facts. Basic Fact is is telling the reader that something is rue. Plants are things like trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses. To successfully grow plants you need seed, water, sun, soil.

Me second introduction sentence was Questions Hook. Question Hook is when you ask the reader something that they can visualize and try to think of in their own minds. Did you know that an average size tree can provide enough wood to make 170,100 pencils? Plants are seeds, water, sun, and soil.

My last introduction sentence was Explain Emotion. Explain Emotion is making the reader emotions feeling when reading the introductions. Plants can be fruit and vegetables that are healthy for everyone to eat. To grow plants you need seed, water, sun, soil.

Memory Game

We revised the Maori words we have learnt during the term.

First, we answered the question in Maori. They are some questions I didn't understand, so I look up in the Maori Dictionary. The question I didn't know was ko wai o hoa? it means who are your friends.

After, we played a game called memory. We needed to guess which is the right card and if we guessed the right cards we need to say the words in maori and play again, for example the Maori word for ham is poaka.

I enjoyed this activity because I have learnt a lot of maori words.

Table Tennis

We learnt how to balance while using the table tennis equipment.

First, we learnt how to hold the tennis table bat. To hold the bat is like we are shaking someone's hand and we hold the hand shaped like a gun.

Next, we bounced the ball with the tennis table bat by holding the bat forehand. I bounced 31 times and it was easy.

Then, we bounced the ball with the tennis table bat by holding the bat backhand. I bounced the back hand 23 times and it was hard.

After, we needed to balance the tennis table ball on the tennis table bat. When that ball rolled off and touched our hands we needed to sit down and see who is the champion.

Last, we played a game of table tennis . The challenger needed to drop serve the ball and the champion needed to try to make the challenger miss the ball. To drop serve we needed to drop the ball and hit the ball with only 1 bounce and the other side needed to hit the ball with 1 bounce.

This activity was hard because I keep missing the ball and dropping the ball.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Table Mat

We learnt what chronology is.

Chronology is the order of their text. We used skimming and scanning to read the text. Skimming is like a aeroplane rushing down the page to find keywords. Scanning is being like a helicopter to stop and hover focusing on the text you're reading.

First, we skimmed and scanned a picture of a road that got cracked. And we need to guess the topic. The topic was about Earthquakes.

Next, we read a book about Earthquakes. We used skimming to find keywords and scanning to find facts.When we are typing down the facts we need to use chronology to put the text in order.

I enjoyed this activity because I can use chronology to put the text in order.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Translating Names

We learnt the maori alphabet and some maori names.

First, Whaea Oddie and we translate 4 names which are Tarati which goes with Dorothy, Kararaina which goes with Caroline, Hakopa which goes with Jacob, and Irihapeti which goes with Elizabeth.

Afterwards, we need to type down our name into maori names. My name is Siniva, I didn't find anything on maori dictionary. We used Whaea Oddie rules and my name in maori is Hiniwa.

I need to practice pronouncing the name because I'm not pronouncing the Maori sounds properly.

Frisbee Technique

We learnt how to balance when throwing and catching a frisbee.

First, my partner and I needed to use the balance position to throw the frisbee straight back to them.

Next, I needed to chase the frisbee after my partner threw it. Mr Ogilvie told us which position we should face, the positions we need to face are: partner, fale, hall, and LS1.

After Mr Ogilvie throws the frisbee and I need to catch the frisbee when I'm on a run then I need to try to throw the frisbee into the goal.  

Last, we played a game called Ultimate Frisbee. My teammates and I needed to score the frisbee into the goal, my teammates needed to not go in the shooting circle and we needed to throw the frisbee to our team mate in 3 seconds.

I enjoyed this activity because I can learn to use my balancing technique when throwing the frisbee.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Party Popper

We plan how to make a Party Popper.

First, we looked at an example of Mr Wong's plan design. His design was about the party popper. We made a plan on how to make a party popper..

Next, we listed the part we need for the party popper. Our name of our market was Design Company, the parts we needed are paper, cup, fillings, stick and rubber band.

Then, we updated the design. It was about the changes. My group changed the cup into a paper cup,  changed the rubberband to a bigger and stronger rubberband, and we changed the fillings to pompoms.

Last, we typed down the rationale. We needed to type down the reason why we changed the design for an updated design.

I enjoyed this activity because I really want to make a party popper.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

SSR Selfie - Shadow of Forest

I readed 56 pages.

Its about  After a strange illness strikes a Arendelle, Anna discovers a secret room in the castle and says a magic spell hopping to cure the sickness. Instead, a sinister wolf arrives , threatening to destroy the peaceful kingdom, Ann, Elsa and their friends must embark on a thrilling quest to save Arendelle.

I enjoyed this book because the story interesting.

The three basic turns

There are three basic turns. The three basic turns quarter turn clockwise (tcw¼t), one quarter turn anti clockwise (tacw¼t), and full turn.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a Speed Demon Challenge in subtraction up to 20.

I got all the answers correct and I finished in 3 minutes and 47 seconds. I like my time because this is my first time finishing in 3 minutes.


I learnt how to balance white using the tennis equipment.

First, we balanced a ball on a tennis racket.

Next, we used the tennis racket to bounce the ball without making it fall.

After, my partner bounced the ball and I hit the ball nicely back to my partner. If I hit it hard, that meant I was not balancing right.

Last, Joe throwed the ball and I needed to run over, stop and hit the ball over the net.

This activity was hard because I kept hitting the ball too hard.


We revised some previous words and sentence from couple of weeks.

First, we revised to say mua, muri, runga, raro, and waenganui. Mua means infront, muri means behind, runga means on top, raro means under, and waenganui means between.

Next, we revised the question. It was "Kei hea te panana?" Kei roto i te pouaka makariri.". It means where is the banana. it's in the fridge.

I enjoyed this activity because Whae Oddie learnt us how to say questions and words.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Explanation Topic

I planned a topic of How plants grow. I had to add mechanisms, cause and effect sentences, and information sources.

I typed down the mechanisms. The mechanisms I typed down are Seeds, Water, and Sun. The cause and effect for seeds is Put seeds in a pot with dirt. People need a pot. They need to exchange oxygen with the air.

Next, I typed down cause and effect for water is Put water on it when the seeds are planted. Too much water can cause a plant’s roots to rot.

After, I typed down the cause and effect for sun is Plants need sun so it can grow faster. It will break open and the roots will grow.

This activity was hard because the website does show the information I needed.

Table Mat

We used skimming and scanning to read the text.

First, we read a book about The Piece of Paper Path. The text was about recycling paper and why it is important to recycle paper. We used skimming and scanning to read the text. Skimming means rushing down the page to find keywords. Scanning means to stop and hover focusing on the text you're reading.

Next, we typed down the 6 keywords, defined one of them, wrote down 4 facts, and attribute the images. After we switched chromebook to check our work and get feedback.

Last, we typed down the Key Questions and what Questions I would ask. Key Questions means what the author would have thought before publishing the book.

I enjoyed this activity because I used skimming and scanning to understand the main ideas and to find information.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

SSR Selfie - Amulet

 I finished reading the book about Amulet.

The story was about that Emily has lost control of her Amulet and is imprisoned in the Void, where she must find a way to escape the influence of the Voice. Meanwhile, Emily’s brother, Navin, travels to the Lighthouse One, a space station where the Resistance id preparing to battle the approaching Shadow forces that would drain planet Alledia of all its resources. Emily and Navin must be smarter and stronger than ever to ensure Alledia’s survival.

I really enjoyed this book because I like reading comics book.

Basic Facts Boxes

 I completed a Speed Demon Challenge in subtraction up to 20.

I got all the answers correct and I finished in 3 minutes and 14 seconds. I like my time because before I finished in 5 minutes and 7 seconds. Next time, I should work on a harder level.

Balance Challenge

We made a challenge on our own.

First, we wrote down the ideas for the challenge. Our idea was to balance on one leg by doing a squat from holding the milk bottle in front of you.

Next, we try it out to avoid their tipping point.

Last, we took a photo and made a poster as a group.

This activity was hard because the milk bottle was heavy when I was trying to bend my legs down.

Friday, 4 June 2021

Cause and Effect

We wrote down the cause and effect sentence.

I wrote down the mechanisms of how chocolate is made and how fireworks work.

First, I wrote down the mechanisms of chocolate. Chocolate is made by roasting the cocoa beans together with the sugar then blend the nibs and pouring it into a shape size. You then need to put it inside the freezer to make it hard cend set.

Next, I wrote down the mechanisms of fireworks. Fireworks work by burning a small bit of metal. You use a fuse so it can set off a charge. Lighting the fuse ignites the gunpowder.

Next time, I should add more mechanisms.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021


Today we practiced how to balance using the sports equipment. 

First, we used volleyball equipment by taking out one leg, choosing the position you want and trying to hit the ball without moving around. This is easy because I already know how to hit the ball.

Next, we used soccer equipment by putting the ball on our forehead, trying not to make it fall and trying to kick the ball by using our knee. This is hard because I keep on making the ball fall.

Then, we used the tennis racket and ball. My partner needed to throw the ball and I needed to hit the ball while taking out one leg. This is hard because I always miss the ball.

Afterwards, we used hockey by taking out one leg. The person who has the ball needs to throw it softly and the person with the racket needs to hit the ball. This is easy because I already know how to  hit the ball with the racket.

Last, we used a spoon with a soft egg on top. We needed to take out one leg and try to bend down to put the spoon on the ground. This is hard because I always make the egg fall.

I enjoyed this activity because it can help me stop wriggling and moving around


We learnt how to tell people about where the things are, they are called Prepositions.

First, we learnt how to say "Kei hea te kutikuti?" means where the scissors are. We learnt how to say "Kei te taha maui ki te pepa" which means It is on the left side of the paper.

Next, we learned some prepositions: raro, runga, maui, and matou. Raro means down, runga means up, maui means left, and matou means right.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to say prepositions in Maori language.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

SSR Selfie - Shadow of Forest

 I readed 10 pages about Shadow of Forest.

It was about After a strange illness strikes a Arendelle, Anna discovers a secret room in the castle and says a magic spell hopping to cure the sickness. Instead, a sinister wolf arrives , threatening to destroy the peaceful kingdom, Ann, Elsa and their friends must embark on a thrilling quest to save Arendelle.

I always read this book because the story looks interesting.

Reciprocal Reading

We did reciprocal reading with two PDFs about Where we lived, and What we lost.
First, the leader needed to choose the five roles of the reciprocal reading. The sroles are: Leader, Predictor, Clarifier, Questioner, and Summariser. We read the text What we lost,and found it was about the soldiers suffering from injury from being scared of bullets.
Next, we read the text Where we lived. This text was about Lady Liverpool inspiring women and children throughout NZ to sew shirts and pyjamas; to knit socks, balaclavas, mittens, and cholera belts, and to donate holdalls and sewing kits. 
The most helful role was the clarifier because it helped us understand the meaning and unpack a lot of information.
Next Tme, I should find some intresting facts.