Today I did an activity with my classes. We got into groups and we needed to type down a farm animal, city, number between 1-20, unit of time, adjective (not colour), adjective (not colour), person's name, type of clothing, and colour.
First, we typed down a farm animal and the farm animal was Rooster
Next, we typed down a city and the city was New York.
Then, we typed down a number between 1-20 and the number between was 15.
Then, we typed down a unit of time and the unit time was 1 year.
Then, we typed down two adjectives but not a colour. The adjectives were Old and Clean.
Afterwards, we typed down a person's name and the person's name was Kylie.
Lastly, we typed down a type of clothing and the type of clothing was Pants.
I enjoyed this activity because we can combine it into stories.